Citalopram for Anxiety

A great number of people all over the world suffer from such a condition as an anxiety disorder. It is a serious mental illness. It manifests itself in strong fear and anxiety, which may last for a long time and with time it may even increase.

Everyone has ever experienced anxiety, but it’s not the same thing as a mental disorder, as an anxiety disorder usually lasts for a long time. It negatively affects a person and his life quality and causes a large number of problems.


Anxiety disorders have several classifications. According to one of them, all anxiety disorders are divided into the following types: specific phobia; panic disorder; post-traumatic stress disorder; generalized anxiety disorder; obsessive compulsive disorder; social anxiety disorder.

According to another classification, which is considered to be the newest one, anxiety disorders can be divided into three categories of mental disorders: obsessive-compulsive disorders and the disorders, related to them; traumatic and stressful disorders; anxiety disorders.

It should be noted that each type of mental disorders is characterized by its individual symptoms, but there are also general symptoms that may indicate that a person suffers from some kind of mental disorder. In general, common symptoms of anxiety disorders include: sleeping problems; dry mouth; nausea; dizziness; cold and sweaty feet and hands; muscle tightness; numbness and tingling of the hands or feet; a strong feeling of anxiety, the feeling of panic and fear; high heart rate.

If you observe the signs of high fear and anxiety, such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, the sign of stress, so this is a sign that something that may harm and threaten your health is happening to you. Therefore, the symptoms, mentioned above, should be diagnosed and treated.

Nowadays, there are no any laboratory tests that could diagnose anxiety disorders, but your doctor may conduct an examination, which will help to exclude physical problems and determine that the patient is suffering from any kind of mental disorders. You may be also referred to a mental health professional that may be a psychiatrist or a psychologist, who can identify a mental disorder and its type.

How to treat an anxiety disorder? There are different ways to treat anxiety disorders. They can include medication treatment and psychotherapy. The medication treatment may include taking the drug Citalopram, which can often be prescribed by doctors to the patients, suffering from mental disorders.

One of the features of the forms of psychotherapy, which are effective while treating anxiety disorders, is the cognitive-behavioral therapy. There are many treatment methods that will help you to live your full life without any problems, even if you suffer from some kind of mental disorders. You should know that the treatment, whether it is a medication treatment or psychotherapy, may take much time and not all methods of the treatment can be effective at once. Your doctor should choose the best treatment method that will suit you. The patient should have enough patience and always tell the doctor everything about all the changes in his health that he is experiencing.

It is not established, what exactly causes the occurrence of anxiety disorders. There are some factors that affect the predisposition to anxiety disorders. These factors include genetics, the levels of stress, the environment, injuries and any changes in the human’s brain.